Don't Blame it on the Boots
20th, 21st and 22nd April 2006
Cast of Characters:
Ophelia (an actress) - Kassia Aksenov
Liz (the costume lady) - Stacey Arthur
Eric (an actor) - Ivan Aksenov
Kate (the director) - Michele Zentar
Directed and Produced by Alastair McDonald
Stage Crew / Construction - Nigel Link, David Andrews, Neil Burdett, Anthony Crowson, Stefano de Padova, Kevin Kewin, Robin Link, Mark Loveday, Alastair McDonald, Adam Miller, Gerti Schneider, Bruno Sousa and Dick Waite
Lighting and Sound - Kevin Kewin
Props and Costumes - Patricia Bowen
Makeup - Michele Zentar
Don’t Blame It On The Boots. No-one would have blamed it on the boots if only... Kate had produced Macbeth instead of Hamlet, Ophelia hadn't been so attractive and naive, Eric had been blessed with smaller feet, Liz's father hadn't been a professional Shakespearean actor who had worn those self-same boots.