Stuart Marlow
Nationality: English
As a writer-director since 1980, Stuart Marlow has been involved in collaborative and documentary theatre and has worked as a freelance radio producer, television writer-director and journalist for WDR TV Cologne and SFB Berlin, in Germany, the UK, Ireland, and South Africa.
After extending his college education with an internship as assistant director at the Royal Court Theatre in London, Stuart has gone on to run various English language theatre groups in Germany.
Working with the University of Essen until 1999/2000, his most experimental productions to date in collaborative theatre include: Transactions (Dramatizing case studies from Amnesty International after the1976 Coup in Argentina) Game Set & Match (A surrealistic look at conventional marriage with off-off Broadway director Willem Brugman) and Plutonium Rock (A musical satire on the politics of nuclear power).
Actor with ESOC Theatre Group
2022 - A Midsummer Night's Dream - Egeus
Director in collaboration with ESOC Theatre Group
2023 - Phase 3 ½ - A Subsonic Romance (writer and director)
2021 - A Clinic Too Far
Actor with Outcast International: Other People’s Money, The Last Days ofvJudas Iscariot: Edinburgh Festival.
Actor with ACTS: Twelve Days in November, Past-Present-Past.
FEATS AWARDS: Best Original Scripts: Pricing Freedom 2002: ( Ghost-Writing Hamlet 2003 (Satirical exploration of the identity of Edward DeVere as the real “Shake-Spear”), Fallujan Women, 2006 (Eyewitness accounts of the Iraq war morphing into classic tra edy) This Side of the Gestapo, 2015 (Dramatized account of an English POW in Stuttgart 1942-45) Past-Present-Past, 2019. (Cross cutting between The Weimer Republic and post-Brexit Britain) As producer: An Almost Perfect Murder, 2007 Wendy Förster (A satirical look at German-American identity conflicts)
FEATS Discretionary Awards – Stage-Video Presentation: Shakespeare in Paris, (Daniel Mayer) 2009, This Side of the Gestapo (Raluca Urea)
OTHER HISTORICAL PLAYS: Ten Days in November (Exploring the 1647 Putney Debates: ACTS-Theaterhaus Stuttgart 2013-14) A Clinic Too Far (Dramatizing the issues surrounding abortion and women’s rights in the Weimar Republic: ESOC + ACTS – Hoffart Theater 2021)
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 2022