Early Birds: Who wants to direct a play in April 2015?

Post date: 26-Jun-2014 19:23:48

The ESOC Theatre Group has introduced some improvements as for the play selection process within the Group. This ensures increased transparency, fairness and hopefully an exciting competition for the play selection for April 2015.

Yes, the call is open!

If you wish to be considered as a Director for the April production then please email us with your proposed choice of play by the end of July. We are looking for both full length plays and also one act plays as we may well decide to apply to compete at FEATS in Hamburg next year (May), but we will consult on that decision later in the year.

What happens after the submission?

During August and September all proposed plays will be read at a Stammtisch. A play selection sub committee will assess all the proposals and make recommendations with a final decision being made by the end of October. This way casting and rehearsals can begin in good time. Once all proposals have been received we will again put them on the web and ask for your votes and comments (members only).

If you are proposing a play, please send you proposal to committee@esoctheatre.org and not to the general Theatre Group email address.

And if you are not a member or have forgotten to renew your membership, make sure you subscribe!